Thursday, November 16, 2006

Art Break!

Long ago and far away when I worked as the public relations department for the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia, on particularly frustrating days I would spend my lunch time in the galleries. (Lose weight like a starving artist, clear your silly head, what could be better?!) Art breaks return the sanity to one's life. And with dust rag in hand now, I declare we need one.

Tonight as I finally resolved to start addressing some of the household chaos, the first thing I ran into was the large pile of memorabilia Helen and I bought back from our trip to Germany last year. Out of the first bag fell a small hand-cranked music box we bought at the Thomas Kirche in Leipzig, the church where J.S. Bach spent so much of his career. It plays Bach's Minute No. 3 -- which Helen once had as a piano recital piece:

Music Box #1

Moving on from the audio -- the basement continuing to look like a travel agency blew up -- I move back to the kitchen where I stumble over the tomatoes I forgot to put away after dinner. One artful turn deserves another, so here's tonight's visual:

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