Friday, November 17, 2006

It's the weekend and we have to stay up all night!!!

The 11-year-old just arrived. Helen had a great time tonight creating her own blog about her stuffed animals. She had so much fun that I don't think I'll ever get her in to her bed to sleep -- even with duct tape.

"But Mom, it's Friday night -- we haven't done anything yet! It's the weekend! Show me your blog again..."

Mollie has taken to chasing her tail. She loves to lounge in a large brown wing back chair that Jo (the neighbor who gave us Mollie) also had, but passed on to us when she moved to Texas. Mollie thinks its her chair as it's amazingly well color coordinated.

We're about as techno-savvy as two geeks in a basement can be on Friday night -- papers that should have been filed are strewn around the room. Digital camera flashing like a strobe light as each new set of stuffed animals pose for pictures (and pose, and turn, and pose, and turn...) along the "runway" -- our couch. Mollie seems non plussed and has found her cat toys far more intellectually stimulating at this point.

Grandma and Grandpa arrive in less than 48 hours -- what are we thinking?

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